Sunday, June 14, 2009

Eco-Energy Audits

Eco-Energy Audits:

Do you own a house that's 15, 20, 25+ yrs old? Then listen up! There's free money to be had!

Did you know that you can collect money from government grants just for doing upgrades to your house that you'd likely be doing anyway! If you're thinking about replacing a furnace, air conditioner, windows don't do it before looking into getting an Eco-Energy audit. Basically how it works is that you hire a qualified inspector (ie. Amerispec is a great company!). They come in and assess your home and give you recommendations as to how to make your home more eco-energy friendly. You then have an 18 month period to do some or all of these recommendations. Call the inspector back and they apply for the appropriate grants on your behalf. The cool thing is that the provincial government will match what the federal government s offering. And in March of this yr they upped their grants by 25%!

Does it work? Well, that's just say that if you're planning on doing the reno's anyway, you can use the grants to put in more eco-energy friendly products (ie. higher efficiency furnaces, energy star windows) without the extra cost. I've had some clients who ended up getting more money back than the reno's cost because they did it themselves (ie. in the case of adding extra insulation).

Check it out for yourself and certainly if you have questions or would like me to recommend a qualified inspector just let me know!

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