Monday, January 16, 2012

2011 Year End - 2012 Year Start

A new year. New hopes, dreams, resolutions, and plans.
2011 in the KW real estate world wrapped up with an average of a 4% increase in sale prices from 2010. Not a huge leap, but certainly steady and in the right direction if you're one of the thousands that have invested in real estate.
KW 2011 Stats
What's the forecast for 2012? Well as with anything, that depends on who you ask, but generally it looks like interest rates will remain relatively low which will also mean our prices in KW will remain relatively unchanged over the next year. There may be a slight increase.
What does that mean for you? It's still a good time to get into the market if you're a first-time home buyer or as a "moving on up" client, as the interest rates are low. (Anyone start singing that familiar sitcom song when you read that?). Thinking about investing? Even a conservative 4% is better than having your money in a bank account or many other investments. On average in KW real estate has doubled in the past 10 years. Pretty sweet investment opportunity for sure!

I started this year with an email on Jan. 1st to list this lovely property at 35 Mahogany. Great start! This property close to amenities like the expressway and the Sunrise shopping centre offers 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (plus a 3 piece rough-in in the basement). It's been well-cared for, has a great extra long backyard, new deck, and a huge master bedroom walk-in closet to mention a few of it's features. All offered at $289,899 MLS.

Know someone who might be interested? Pop me an email.

I also began the new year with a number of showings with clients who are hoping to find their dream homes at the beginning of this year. I had fun exploring this home with S as we saw a few things that made us go "huh". This was one of them. Take a peek at the picture and see if you can find what's wrong with it....

I posted this on facebook and many of my friends had fun commenting on it. Ideas were as diverse as toilet paper in the wrong spot, unfortunate spot for a window, and wondering why the gentleman working here actually put the seat down!

Hopefully, you've noticed the actual problem with this one which is the close proximity of the ELECTRIC heat....and the toilet and plumbing which of course contains WATER. Not a great mix. Obviously a leaky toilet could not only be disasterous but very dangerous.

I see many things in my job and no house is the same as another, so there are still little surprises along the away which may me go "huh"!

Looking forward to what else 2012 may bring with exciting prospects, new clients, and little laughs along the way.

Happy new year.