Friday, May 15, 2009


Well, a girlfriend of mine recently gave me the idea of starting a blog for Real Estate. So, here I am. Not entirely sure what I will put on this, so if you have suggestions by all means let me know what you'd like to see! But I thought it would be a great way to share some experiences and tidbits that I learn each day on the job.

Yesterday, I spent the morning in a mortgage course put on by Genworth (they insure high ratio or low downpayment mortgages). Learned a bit about some of the changes that have happened with the shifts in our economy.

All in all it was a good day yesterday. I was able to complete the last of the paperwork firming up A&D's purchase of their new home in Waterloo. We listed their home on Friday and had it sold firm by Wednesday. Let's just say we were all pleased! I'm sure they will enjoy moving into their new home. It needs a bit of work but has a beautiful piece of property!

Also, had the pleasure of receiving a call from another referral yesterday. I'll be meeting with A&C on Saturday to begin their search for a new home.

As many of you know, referrals are how I get business. It's such a joy and an honour for me when a friend or previous client pass my name along to someone else.

Well, I'll close up with a few interesting facts from my course.... Enjoy! :)

MORTGAGES: In the US, they don't require insurance for high ratio mortgages like we do here. In Canada, if you have less than 20% down you are required to get the loan insured (CMHC or Genworth).
In the US those mortgages made up 35% of their mortgages. In Canada? only 3-5%. One of the reasons our economy seems to be holding up better.

CREDIT SCORE: Ever wondered what your credit score (Beacon Rating) is? You can fill in this form and send it in and Equifax will give it to you.

It is suggested that you check your own score once a year to see where things are at. 80% of Canadians are between 650-700.


  1. Cool... I like it.

    I'd like to see stories here about the times you're with clients and you try to drive through red lights.

    It makes you seem daring and dangerous!

    Haha... I'll keep checking back for more.

    Heather O

  2. ...or the stories of clients who talk about needing a "cage area" in the basement! I meet ALL KINDS, Heather!! lol :)

  3. Hey Krista -- wandering around came across your blog while playing with twitter in facebook, looking forward to seeing where you'll take this :)

    BTW - When I viewed this in google reader, none of the text shows up cause your text is white and the black background isn't passed through -- I'm using chrome to view my reader.

    Cheers & good luck!
