Yesterday I attended a course put on at the KW Real Estate Board, entitled "New House/Old House".
A few tips I was reminded of...
* save yourselves some money when you put on new shingles....20 yr, 30 yr, 40 yr...doesn't really matter it's much more about your location to sun and trees and how the shingles are installed. No matter what the ashphalt shingle you can count on 15-20 yrs-ISH.
Don't however save money by having the roofer install shingles over the previous shingles. Just not worth it, in the end this will shorten the lifespan of your shingles. Have the old layer removed before installing the next and be sure to have them install plenty of ventilation!
Air Conditioners:
* like the looks of that tidy central air cover for the winter? Don't bother. It keeps moisture in which then can corrode your components. Instead a simple piece of plywood and a brick on the top to keep things from getting in is all you need to winterize it.
* if you were one of the 700 homes in KW that had Retrofoam insulation put into your home in the past few years you should be contacting the government about the recall on it.
The rest of my day yesterday I spent getting ready to list a condo project on friday (exciting project...will fill in soon!) and doing a market evaluation for a cute little condo in Waterloo.
That's it, that's all! Enjoy the sun everyone!
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